
Catering info

Listed below are our most popular items! Once we get your menu dialed in we create an invoice. To secure the date and services we take 50% upfront payable by card is the fastest way to save your date.  The remainder of the balance is then due 14 days before your event! We can fully customize to your needs! Here are those menu items!

Smoked Pulled Pork 

Smoked Pulled Chicken  

Smoked Brisket 


Smoked Turkey 

Smoked Ham


Black Bean Burgers 

Boneless Chicken Breast 


Baked Beans  

Potato Salad (American or Loaded) 

Coleslaw (Creamy or Red wine vinegar) 

Green Beans  

BRT Pasta Salad  

Roasted Potatoes  

Green Salad w/dressings 

Vegetable Medley 

Vegetable Trays 

Fruit Trays 

Antipasto Trays 

Assorted varieties of Homemade Pies, Cookies, Brownies and Cake.